Sean D Joe

Hi I'm Sean Joseph

I'm a business coach specializing in productizing what you know and turning that into giveaways, nano products, and online educational platforms.


“If you dont understand who you’re targeting and why, then nothing else matters”

Selling a course or an info product? Then that quote applies to you.

Get clear on what is your niche and sub-niche.

This even applies to selling a service. 

When I was running my email marketing agency the niche and sub-niche was:

Marketing → email marketing → email marketing for health → email marketing for Shopify store owners in the health industry.

My daughter Safi has finally left the I-want-everything-every-other-girl-has phase. 

Not completely but for the most past no more major tantrums.


I’m not gonna lie, it did get annoying sometimes.

She sees a girl that has some kind of hair style with beads. “I want beads in my hair daddy.”

She sees a girl with a fluffy blue tiger, “I want a blue tiger.” 

And I would say “But Safi you got an orange tiger at home.” 

“But I want a blue tiger daddy. I want a blue tiger….”

And then for the longest it was “I want weebles paw patrol, I want weebles paw patrol.” 

This was after seeing her cousin with these in the U.K. Like we couldn’t even get these in the U.S.